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SHAARP Lab members participate in the 2014 Cognitive Aging Conference (April 2014)

Lab members presented research findings at the biannual conference held in Altanta, GA in April. Two posters were presented by Graduate student, Erica Schmidt, and Dr. Ross. Christy Phillips, Postdoctoral Fellow, gave a plenary talk.

Schmidt, E. L., McManus, B., & Ross, L. A. (April 2014). Neuroticism predicts performance on Tower of London. McManus, B., Schmidt, E. L., & Ross, L. A. (April 2014). Processing speed mediates the relationship between performance IQ and executive planning.

Phillips, C.B., Edwards, J.D., Andel, R., Kilpatrick, M. (2014). Daily physical activity and cognitive performance variability in older adults.


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